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What are the requirements for grow lights applied to cannabis?
Plant seedlinghas relatively high requirements for lighting, and plant lights are suitable for the growth of cannabis.

It is generally not recommended that users grow marijuana with ordinary lights. Unlike many other plants, Plant seedlingrequires extremely high light to reach its full growth potential. Since marijuana is a sun-loving plant, the light intensity generated by some lamps cannot provide enough sunlight for marijuana. Incandescent bulbs are also not suitable for supplementing light for Plant seedlingcultivation, because their light intensity is too low to meet the light needs of Plant seedlingduring the growing period.
In the process of growing cannabis, the root system of plants that grow in strong light will be better. More light means plants can absorb more carbon dioxide from photosynthesis. This is important for plant growth, as plants typically allocate 40% of the carbon dioxide they absorb to the root system. In outdoor production under cloudy conditions, the growth of industrial hemp roots is sometimes limited, so LED grow lights are generally used to supplement light and promote growth.
When the heat is too high, "photoburns" can occur, and if left unaddressed, mild burns can greatly reduce the potency and purity of a Plant seedlingstrain. When the plant is too close to the light source, some users may notice that the leaves of the plant turn an unsightly yellow with brown or black edges. As the plant grows further, the terminal buds may turn an unhealthy white color. Both are warning signs that marijuana is facing a "minor burn" problem.
Mild burns usually affect the tops of Plant seedlingplants, while nitrogen deficiencies start at the bottom. Secondly, the burned leaves are very brittle, but the nitrogen-deficient leaves generally droop. All you need to do to fix photoburn is to move your grow lights farther away from your plants, and if there is a lack of space in your growing area, you should use something like a grow net to keep the Plant seedlingfrom growing taller to distribute the light relatively evenly.